With a 4% CAGR estimated by Technomic over the last 4 years and a 556 Bn $ revenue, US commercial restaurant market created the equivalent of the French restaurant market … via both new openings and like for like performances.
Why ? US restaurant industry is shifting rapidly and adapting to new consumers needs via at least 3 ingredients:
#1 Healthier and fresher food offer
- « Food just like your grandma used to make » : brand new Wells Market concepts cook on site fresh ingredients served in a very contemporary food court ambiance
- Salad+ high quality ingredient : Just Salad provides the freshest salads with a « choose your ingredients process » and adds a touch of, sustainability via reusable bowls… consumers seem to like it.
#2 Painless service
- Cashless payment, spaces and flows dedicated to deliverers and click&collect, … digital is widely integrated to eliminate non strategic service interaction, optimize speed of service and focus on food.
#3 Augmented beverage experience
Hot, cold, nitro, filter, espresso, flavoured, … coffee is the new gold and pushes other beverages to adapt their product mix
- Intelligentsia coffee shop makes you feel like an intelligence expert about coffee
- Fairground provides you a feeling from « bean to cup »
- Big FMCG like CocaCola or PepsiCo enlarge their portfolios and roll out multiple choices fountains with diy options…
According to our latest researches, (Winning restaurant chains in Europe), European consumers vote for some of these ingredients with a different balance.
It is now up to restaurant decision makers to listen more to their consumers and adapt their concepts to win the attractiveness battle…
For the 5th year, Food Service Vision’s team attended the NRA show at Chicago to spot the latest US influences and compare them to European influences…
You want to get a deeper feed back on our trends watching in the USA and in other food service geographies ? You want to adapt your strategy to the newest consumer and customer needs ?
Contact us : contact@www.foodservicevision.fr